Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Do you have a pair of shoes we can borrow?

You are needed!


a community art project

Do you have a pair of shoes we can borrow?

This is an open invitation to the residents and business owners of Mile End to contribute to a new arts project, MEMOIR MILE END: MARCHER UN MILLE which will take place within the streets of Mile End.

We’d like to invite you for a coffee (or tea) and hear the story behind your donation of shoes. We are looking for stories of loss (whatever that means to you) that connect to both the shoes and Mile End.

Your photograph will become part of an ongoing exhibition – an exhibition not in a gallery but in the windows of the businesses of Mile End.

The project will culminate in a series of walking tours wherein the public is invited to listen to an audio recording of your story and walk a mile in your shoes.

If you are interested in contributing please email Cathy at cathy@cathygordon.com or

call Studio 303 at 514-393-3771.

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